
Thank you so much for visiting! I created this English page to share God’s word with you, to encourage your personal walk with the Lord during these challenging times. I believe you will be empowered as you watch a listen. Please let me know if I can agree with you in prayer at the bottom of this page. Now, here is what I have in my heart to share with this week:


Originally from the Dominican Republic, Pastor Orlando was introduced to the fires of Pentecost from an early age by his grand mother. Today, he is a graduate of Oral Roberts University, and an ordained minister with a career spanning more than 30 years. After traveling the nations of four continents helping mobilize millions of souls who heard the gospel of Christ, and experienced his saving and healing power, Pastor Orlando founded eGlesia Incorporated and the institute for the Local Church in conjunction with Oral Roberts University, now headquartered in the city of El Paso, TX. Pastor Orlando and his wife, Mireya, are the proud parents of three, Yahelí, Eunice, and Alef.